Tuesday, January 20, 2009


In most marriage and relationship advice blogs, when it comes to what men want, the writer usually says something like, “Ladies you need to understand to make a man happy he only needs one of two things. So if he isn’t horny, make him a sandwich.”
To an extent that might be true. However, men are even a lot easier to understand than that. A real man only wants to be one thing to his wife and only asks for one thing in return. This one thing is why wars have been fought over women. This one thing will make us turn off the television, not just mute it, when you talk to us. This one thing is so valuable to a man he will just about kill, either himself or someone else, for it.
Are you listening ladies? I mean it. Listen close. Lean into the page a little more. This is all you need to know for the REST OF YOUR LIFE and you will have the man of your dreams.
Turn the page and find out.

All we ever want to be is your ……… “SUPER”MAN!

If we know we are your “Super”man, your hero, your knight in shining armor, we will do whatever you ask. We will wear the Christmas sweater to the office party. We will browse Pottery Barn magazines with you. We will put up that extra wreath on the highest gable of the roof. We will put up all the picture frames you want. We will sleep in a bedroom that’s painted lavender with overly ruffled comforters. We will plant gardens, visit home decorating shows, wear matching clothes in a family photo, get up in the middle of the night to get you water or when you hear something, even though we know it was the wind. We will be glad to miss the play-offs because your mother is coming over. We will even talk to her when she does. If you are really good at making us know we are your “SUPER”MAN we will even help you when you scrapbook! We will literally do anything and everything you ask us to do as long as we know this one simple thing.
You are now saying to yourself, “It can’t be that easy.” It is. But here’s the hard part for you. This is where you have all the power and yet you sometimes fail to recognize it. Why do you fail? I will tell you in a moment. For now, I want you to know how easy it is for you to let us know that we are your “SUPER” MAN.
All you have to do is one little thing. This one thing will assure our place in “SUPER”MAN-DOM and all I mentioned before will be yours.

The only thing you have to do is become………”WONDER”WOMAN!

How do you become this mythical goddess, you ask?

The key is simple and highly affective. Everything, and I do mean everything, your man does for you, needs to be looked upon and commented upon in a sense of wonderment. In other words, praise. Praise in everything we do. Do not discount the power you have her and the secret I am telling you. A simple praise of wonderment can last in a man’s mindset for a long time. However, the more he gets the more he wants it. Especially from the woman he gets to see naked! That’s all we need. Knowing that the woman we chose thinks we are their Knight in Shining armor, their Brad Pitt, their SUPERMAN is all we need to know and we will be at your every command.

Here is a simple example of how your “Wonder”woman reaction will make us feel like “Super”man.

Your mild mannered husband is in the dark and dangerous hallway, balancing on a treacherous footstool, gallantly risking electrocution while changing out a light bulb. The same light bulb that has been burned out for the last week.

Seeing this you have a few options available to you.

Do you...
A. Notice to yourself and turn back to what you were doing beforehand?
B. Accost him verbally by exclaiming, “It’s about time you got to doing that. I asked you to do it a week ago.”
C. Take this opportunity to give him a list of other things that need to be done in the home.
D. Complain about how he is changing the light bulb, or better yet, bring up how your dad used to do it a certain way.
E. Thank him for changing the light bulb by placing your hand on his calf while saying, “Wow. Thanks for doing that for me. I so appreciate having someone in the house tall enough to get to that.” Followed by a soft kiss after he gets down.

If you answered or recognized yourself in any of the choices other than E, you have discovered the answer to the question I posed earlier. How you sometimes fail to recognize your power. When we are doing anything and you discount, demean or fail to even recognize it verbally, you are not using your power to it full strength.
Now comes the tricky part. Are you already thinking in your head, something like, “He already knows that” or “Really, that’s going to solve our challenges?”
Yes! Yes it is. The more wonder woman you are in everything we do. The more “Super”man we feel and do exactly what you need us to do. Whether it’s changing the light bulb or saving the day, the more we feel appreciated, the more we will do.

You will know when your task is accomplished by noticing his posture. If you have succeeded, he will tend to stand up straighter, pull his shoulders back, place his feet shoulder width apart and sometimes, not all the time, but sometimes, he will place both his hands on his hips with his fists closed. Looking oddly familiar to a certain Man of Steel. This posture will become more and more permanent, depending on the frequency he hears these bits of wonderment.
Not surprisingly, the more you take this information to heart, and practice it, you yourself might find your posture looking very much the same as a certain Amazonian Princes. You will do so because of the pride you feel in the man you love.

I want you to remember back to a time when you were first dating each other. Most likely you were one hot “Wonder”woman. How do I know that? He asked you to marry him. That’s all the proof you need. Everything he did was cute, funny, sexy, charming, brave or inspiring. And you reacted accordingly. The more you were in wonder of him and he felt like “Super”man the more he wanted to do for you.
The principle does not change. Only the circumstances and the responses do.

Here’s what I am not saying. I am not saying to be patronizing, fake or insincere. He will read that on you and it will only cause him to feel more like “Under”dog as opposed to the Superman he needs to feel like. Are you not amazed that he works so hard for you and your family? Do you not love it when he hangs those shelves for you? Doesn’t it make your heart swell when he takes a moment to focus on what you need? Then the more you wonder on what he is doing, the more of those feelings towards him you will get.

Be his “Wonder”woman and he will be your “Super”man for the rest of your life.