A great example of PDA has been plastered all over the news as of late. Michelle and President Obama have been great examples of this. Whether or not you like his politics, doesn't matter, it's about the example he and the First Lady are showing to the world. The thing I have to admire about them is, although all Presidential couples put on a smile and hold hands for the press, theirs seams very genuine. Cynics could say it's because of their excitement of this historical moment. I don't believe that to be the case. They look truly in love, and just as importantly, proud of each other.
I am very impressed with the example they are to not just other countries, but to young people as to how two people should look and act around each other. Showing young men it's okay to put your arm around your wife and hold her hand in public while also being an example to young woman what they should expect from a man. Showing them it is not a sign of weakness to have a door held open for them, but a sign of respect.
Public displays of affection are necessary for any growing relationship.
My wife is a massage therapist so we have long believed in the power of touch. As a matter of fact one of our goals is to start a non-profit where we go around the world and hold abandoned babies in third world orphanages. Some infants never feel the power of touch as newborns and spend the majority of their infant life in cribs. Giving those who have never felt it the power of security, safety and love at such an early stage.
According to About.coms relationship experts Sheri & Bob Stritof,
Nonsexual touch and other signs of affection strengthens your marriage relationship, creates a comforting and calming atmosphere in your home, builds trust between the two of you, and deepens your intimacy with one another.
Here are some examples of how you can show PDA to your spouse.
• Holding hands both privately and in public.
• Nonsexual massage of neck, shoulders, back.
• Hugs.
• Sitting close to one another both privately and in public.
• Kisses, especially unexpected kisses.
• Holding one another.
• Cuddling, snuggling.
• Walking arm in arm.
• Stroking.
• Reaching across the table to touch hands.
• Simple caring and tender gestures such as resting your hand on your spouse's leg.
• Putting your hand on your spouse's shoulder.
• Gentle caresses.
Go out and show some PDA today!