One way to over come that challenge was taught to me by T. Harv Eker. even though he still uses the word "Problem" (I'll bring him over to my side someday) the principle still works. And for our purposes I will continue to use the word challenge.
If you want to get over a challenge faster, you have to become someone who is bigger than that particular challenge. Playing small serves no one. Especially when it comes to challenges in your life or relationship.
I'll use Harv's chart example to explain.
If you have a level 5 challenge and you are a level 3 person. That's

However if you have a level 5 challenge and you are a level 8 person, now it's a small challenge.
Become a level 10 person and it's no challenge at all.

We are all going to have challenges in life. No matter who you are, they will arise. So stop trying to get rid of challenges and start becoming bigger than they are.
If you are having a particular challenge in your marriage, become bigger than the challenge. the fastest and quickest way to do this is by getting educated on wys you can overcome that challenge.

Read books, go to trainings, of course come to one of my events, read this blog as you are or watch the Youtube videos. You have to take action and want to overcome it. Some challenges won't be overcame over night. That is no reason to stop trying.
Just because the hurdle runner knocks over one, two or three hurdles on his way to the finish line, doesn't mean he is not able to ultimately win the race.