I am the worlds greatest Husband and father. Why? Because I act as if I am.
For those of you who have been at my trainings before you have heard me use this phrase over and over again.
Acting as if is the fastest way to becoming something you want to be.
Do you want to become the worlds greatest husband or father? Then start doing what you think the worlds greatest husband and father would do and start doing it.
It's the same for anything; do you want to become a millionaire? Then you have to find out what millionaires do through the study of them in books like Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill or The Secrets of the Millionaire Mind by T. Harv Eker and and start acting accordingly.
No matter what it is, if you truly start to act like whatever it is you want to become, you can not stop from eventually becoming that thing.
If you feel you are having a challenge in your relationship being what you really want to be, then start today by changing. If you need help, and you have already downloaded my 8 Systems audio as well as been a regular reader of the blog, email me and I will be happy to give some suggestions.