At a recent event, a young lady approached me in distress over a matter with her husband. She told me how unhappy she was with the lack of affection he showed her.
"He never kisses me "just because" any more and hardly even hold my hand in public. At night, he would prefer to sit in his chair as opposed to sitting with me on the couch. In bed, he never rolls over just to snuggle me. As a matter of fact, the only time we share any intimacy is when I have to initiate sex."
She continued to get more and more upset as she went on with her complaint for the next few minutes. After she had finished, I asked a question that definitely stunned her. The question was simply this.
"Have you shown him what you want from him or how to act?"
After her stunned look she responded with, "What do you mean by that."
My response was direct and simple, "Have you gone up to him in public and kissed him while telling him how cute or sexy he is? Do you grab his hand when walking through the mall and tell him how happy he makes you? At night, do you go over to him and sit on his lap with a big hug and kiss, thanking him for being such a hard worker and providing for your family? Do you roll over at night and snuggle him while whispering how much he means to you?"
Again, stunned, she was looking a little more perturbed at me when she complained, "Why should I have to do those things? He should just want to."
And therein lies the challenge. In this case it applies to the female in the relationship, but that is not necessarily the norm. For our purposes we will focus on the female side of things.
Women need to understand, not all men are built with the "romance" or "affection" gene. However, they are willing to be taught it.
Men, by nature, are not the cuddly or touchy-feely types. You ladies are. The challenge comes because during the dating portion of your relationship, any touch or sign of affection was looked upon by you as proof that he was this way. (Frankly, because of the state of euphoria you are in during that time period ANY sign of those affections were taken to a dramatic degree so they can rarely be relied upon as a sign of what he will be like in the future). What you need to understand is like fading paint on a house or an old photograph, because of life happening, that "sign" often fades away as well.
Remember, when you were dating and he held your hand in public, it was a sign of, "Stay away, she's with me" to all other males in the area. Every thing he did when it comes to affection, was because he was getting something he wanted in return, both mentally and physically.
After life has been happening for a while those reasons of getting the "rewards", i.e. hand holding, snuggling and other signs of affection, tend to be taken for granted and can often slowly erode.
Women, being the wonderfully enhanced creatures you are, never forget....anything....ever! So in your mind when those signs of affection wean away, it is taken as a personal response to you. It must mean something. And when it's not what you want it to "look like", you tend to go into despair, nag and complain mode.
So let me give you the same answer I gave to that young lady.
Like software on a computer, men need to be updated from time to time. The way to do this is not by telling or nagging, because now you are becoming a mother figure telling him what to do. Even worse that what he "thinks" he is doing in the form of affection is not good enough. You have to show him by example.
When you show him what you want by doing it yourself to him, and tell him how much you like it when he does that to you, (NO MATTER HOW LONG IT HAS BEEN SINCE HE HAS DONE THAT TO YOU) he now has upgraded "software" and has a better idea of what you want.
Here's what I mean:
If you want him to hold your hand more often, be the first to grab his and give him your "special smile" (you know the one) when you do. Then say something like, "I really love holding your hand. It fit's so perfectly in mine."
At night if he is sitting in his chair and you want him up on the couch with you, go over to him, sit on his lap and tell him it's more comfortable over on the couch with you, if he would care to join you. When he does so say something like, "I love sitting with you, it makes it easier to give you a kiss when you are closer to me."
It's very simple, show him the action you desire from him and then tell him why you like that thing. This gives him the new knowledge he requires and can jog memories of the past you both used to enjoy.