Do you know what your spouse's currency is? What makes them tick? How do you know they know, you love them?
I've talked before about letting your spouse know what makes you feel loved. This is a bit of a continuation of that idea.
We all have things we want, love, cherish or desire of our own. So it makes sense your spouse does as well. It might be time to read a book in a bath with an empty house. It might be a day at the spa. It might be just being able to sit and watch the game without interruption or a round of golf on Saturday instead of the normal Honey-do list.
Currency, is that thing you can give to your spouse without expecting anything, except their well being, in return. It is not a "because I let you do this, you owe me this."
This is very important to understand. When we "allow" an activity such as a golf da

As Valentines day approaches, instead of the usual candy, flowers and cards, figure out what your spouse's currency is and give that to them instead.
Give him a Saturday with no lists. Give her a girls night out. If you truly get into it and really give from your heart, you will gain so much more in the end.