Wednesday, January 28, 2009

The higher the emotion the lower the IQ

Think of it. Have you ever been in an argument or in a space where you were really angry and you just couldn't get out the point of view you wanted to? Then a few hours after the event, you had calmed down and all of the sudden had the perfect come back or the information you were looking for just came to you.

It happens to all of us.

I used to think it only dealt with anger, however I realized it also works the same with good emotions. That's why we tend to make bad decisions when we are in a euphoric feeling of "love". This is where many people get in trouble when it comes to relationships or choosing the right spouse, because they "Fell in Love".

Unfortunately John Lennon was wrong, Love is NOT all you need! The idea that because you love someone is a good enough reason to marry them is insane!

Have I got your attention now?

Loving someone is never a good enough reason to continue dating them, especially if you are looking for a match to marry. I know the movies and television tell you consistently that love is all you need and that love conquers all. Well, this is your wake up call. Love is only a component. There are many other, and at times more important qualities you should rely on. Too often the excuse, “But I love him” is used to stay in a relationship that is going nowhere or even worse, degrading one or the both of you.
As human beings we are built to love. It’s in our chemical makeup. The following is from a study about what chemically happens to us when we “Fall in love”.

“…when we fall in love we are falling into a stream of naturally occurring amphetamines running through the emotional centers of our very own brains. That is why we feel exhilarated, manic, powerful, creative, suddenly grown up if we are young and suddenly rejuvenated if we are older. The ecstasy of love is located in our nerves; we get high; we speed. Eventually, our nerves being what they are, their endings become amphetamine immune or exhausted, and the delirium of our free fall abates. We come down to earth.” Young-Bruehl, Elisabeth.
Where Do We Fall When We Fall In Love?
Journal for the Psychoanalysis of Culture and Society - Volume 8, Number 2, Fall 2003, pp. 279-288

The act of falling in and out of “love” with something or someone happens to us many times throughout our lives. This gives us the opportunity to learn and grow. Love comes and goes in various forms and degrees. What you are “in love” with today will not be what you are in love with tomorrow. And here’s the reason why “LOOOVVVEEE” is not enough of a reason to someone… falling in and out of love will continue to happen FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE! Even with the person you do end up marring!

I know there are mornings my wife wakes up, rolls over and thinks, “Who the H-E -double hokey sticks did I marry?” If not mornings, there are definitely moments! Even hours and I dare say days. How do I know this? Because there are days where I’m not “in love” with my wife. I would venture to say that every person, provided they are not hopped up on some sort of psychiatric drug, has gone at least a day or two without feeling love towards their spouse. At least not the feeling of euphoric love used by many to stay with someone they shouldn’t. We just read what happens to the brain when we fall in love. Did you see the last part there?
“Eventually, our nerves being what they are, their endings become amphetamine immune or exhausted, and the delirium of our free fall abates. We come down to earth.”
Meaning we all will have that “roll over” moment. It’s physiology. Where we really learn the power of commitment is not during the “love” stages of our relationship, it’s understood in the down stages. In the moments where we decide to fall in love over and over and over again, and we choose to do so because of our commitment to something greater than ourselves.

I use words like “decide” and “choose” on purpose. Loving someone is a choice. Something you decide to do on a moment by moment basis. It’s like weight lifting.
In weight lifting, in order to “bulk up” you have to work out on a consistent, almost daily basis. Let’s suppose your goal is to become Mr. or Ms. Olympia, one of the biggest titles in weight lifting. You know there is no way possible for you to gain that title by working out two or three days a week. To be the best in that sport you have to work out a minimum of 6 days a week, at least 5 hours a day. Why? Of course building muscle is important. However, keeping the muscle tone is as important as gaining it. The only way to insure you keep that muscle tone is to consistently work out on an almost daily basis. It’s a huge commitment. Without the daily decision to continue with the workouts, they will never come close to reaching that goal.

It’s the same with the goal of having a successful and thriving marriage. Love is a muscle that must be exercised on a daily basis. If you don’t work that muscle every day, you will quickly loose the “tone” of that muscle. It must be worked on daily as well as understood, the more you work on it the stronger it will get.
Some people falsely think that if they wake up one morning without that feeling of love, it’s a sign and they focus on that as opposed creating a new feeling. Unfortunately, in our society today, too often people learn this lesson after getting married and then, instead of deciding to fall in love again, they “cut their losses” and divorce.

This is why I have this topic as the first topic and why I think it is so important to understand. If you get this in your dating process and you do it right, you will save yourself and possibly others a lot of hurt and pain.
If you are already married, this is where this book is so important for you. This book’s purpose it to help you understand that your marriage is a choice. EVERY DAY and EVERY MINUTE OF THE DAY. Your choice is to fall in love again and again and again or not. And that choice will be made easier if you have the right foundation and plan for the success of your marriage.

"Love: A temporary insanity curable by marriage or by the removal of the patient from the influences under which he incurred the disorder. This disease, like caries and many other ailments, is prevalent only among civilized races living under artificial conditions; barbarous nations breathing pure air and eating simple food enjoy immunity from its ravages. It is sometimes fatal, but more frequently to the physician than to the patient".
-Ambrose Bierce

Just like the saying “Life is what happens, when your busy making other plans”, I believe “Marriage is what happens between falling in and out of love with each other.”

Out of all the necessary factors that should go into a decision of marriage namely, honesty, trust, communication, respect, commitment, humor, support, compassion, dependable, loyalty, intimacy, openness, kindness, faith, caring, sensitivity, tolerance, fun loving, generosity, nurturing, gentleness, hard working, reliable, active…just to name a few, LOVE is only a small factor in which to base such an important decision.

Let’s not forget, for centuries and even in some cultures today, arranged marriages; unions where the two getting married sometimes never even met one another till the wedding day, have flourished and grown into great marriages. Why? Because outside sources, usually a mother and a father, who have known the children literally from birth, are looking for the best match for marriage. The decision is based on taking the emotion out of the equation. It has nothing to do with a feeling or fleeting passion. It has to do with what is best for the children.

Oh I can hear it now; all the complaints and excuses, “But what about love?” “What about freedom”, “What about passion”, blah, blah, blah.
Am I advocating arranged marriages? No!....
Only for my two girls! I’m kidding! (kind of)

I only use this as an example to point out that LOVE is not a reason to get married.

Please do not misinterpret me on this point. Love is definitely an important part in a marriage. However, to get married because of love alone is foolish.

So what are the reasons two people should get married? Or if you are married what are the reasons you got and should stay married?

Both are great questions. And that is exactly what this book is all about. I hope that after you are finished with this book you will have a great many reasons why you should be, get and stay married.